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Community Education

These presentations have been developed to encourage young people to be informed when considering their physical, relational, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Please read below for brief descriptions of Grade specific presentations.

Image by David Grandmougin
Image by Thought Catalog

Grade 7 and 8: The Journey

This presentation aids students in preparing for the journey of life, particularly when it comes to navigating relationships, the risks and impacts of sexual activity, and how media influences our perception of these things.


Grade 10: Respect & Relationships

Through group-based discussion and interactive activities, we will uncover the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. We will also walk through examples of what consent and coercion look like within relationships.

Grade 9: B2B: Back to Basics

We will identify the facts and outcomes behind sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy. We will also seek to demystify some common misconceptions surrounding these topics and encourage informed decision making.

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

Grade 11: Honest Conversations

Students will be given tools to recognize and process stress in a healthy way. We will also explore how positive and negative communication can affect our overall health and relationships.

Grade 12: #Love

Teacher Feedback

“Very well done - certainly meets curriculum expectations for the class but also engaging the students. Very relevant info for the class. I will definitely invite you back and recommend you to other P.E. teachers.” - Grade 9 Girls Teacher
“We want you back every semester.” - Grade 9 Boys Teacher

“I always appreciate the presentation by the Cambridge Pregnancy Resource Centre to augment the important messages of healthy sexuality and relationships. [The presenter] did an excellent job connecting with the students and delivering important messages.”

Image by Randalyn Hill

The aim of this presentation is to identify how media and cultural messages shape and skew our understanding of love. We will unpack a range of topics including consent, boundaries, and pornography and how they affect our overall health and relationships.

Contact our Community Health Education Nurse by phone (519-620-0204),
email ( or use the form below to book a presentation.

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